Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Would it be plausible to urgently propose to Parliament a bill that envisages a one pound extra charge on all vehicles transiting through British ports in order to help cover border control expenses and that all new jobs deriving from this added income be offered only to British citizens?
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
No it would not be plausible for any added income gained from vehicle charging to be put aside for jobs only for British Citizens.It would be against EU law and be viewed as racist and discriminatory.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Which is exactly what it is of course.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
pity really our truckers and travellers have to pay for toll roads in europe, whilst we make the roads free for everyone, thoughthey are funded by our taxpayers.
except for roads in central london of course.
Alexander, see Blunkett's letter in Telegraph today about Immigration in which he regrets the lack of biometrics and a clean data-base.
The idiots who did not want a National ID card will rue the day.
A bad, miss-informed and stupid call people! (Though very popular with the plebs)
I am a pleb and proud of it. If I want to be tagged, watched and filmed everywhere I go, have my rights and freedoms removed then I'd blooming well take myself to, erm, erm, OK, so I'm already here. You get my drift!
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
What I meant was (well done Howard that you finally realised that tolls are paid in most European countries e.u. or not e.u.), as I was saying, what I meant, is that the extra one pound per vehicle, which could be payable on purchasing the ticket at the counter, would be used to cover border expenses, meaning that more British police and soldiers would be employed to guard our borders from illegal immigrants, drugs, guns, and from Romanians getting in while stowed away in aeroplanes clinging to the wheels, and the like! And that these extra British police and soldiers employed would be British citizens and not foreigners! Full stop!
Alexander, please go and re-read the request from Mr Boland to stop your racist and anti-Polish postings, you are becoming very tiresome. Accusing Romanians just adds to the bigottry you display.
Put bluntly, your racist postings are damn annoying, insulting and unworthy of this Forum.
Unregistered User
Spot on Sid
Alexander, please get real, whatever you might say about the Eastern Europeans I would suggest they culturally they are close to us.
Judeo-Christian background, the age of Enlightenment in general,liberty, fraternity, egalitarianism, science (certainly Curie (Polish!) has been the basis of most of the interesting stuff in the last century i.e. an introduction to quantum theory). etc. etc.
The Mohammedans a different story i would suggest?
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
I am with you on that Bob. I like the Poles, hard working decent people as are most Eastern Europeans.
Guest 658- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 660
As i have discussed on many occasions with our new MP we must toll frieght in this country, and the tolls raised must be spent on the roads that raise them. Some of this could be used to fund border controls. But you must realise that many foreign nationals have a legal right to work here, and on a personal note i welcome them.
beer the food of the gods
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Please read my new thread: yes to mass immigration. Furthermore, Sid I am not aware of any request from Mr. Boland for me to stop any racist or anti-Polish postings! Furhtermore, there is no democratic consent to the laws allowing any eatsern e.u. citizen or for mass immigrants to access to equal opportunities on the British employment market!
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
alex,what border control.
Guest 686- Registered: 5 May 2009
- Posts: 556
Alex does have a valid point regarding road charging and tolls across the channel. While the cost of diesel seems to be leveling out a bit at the moment a great many foreign trucks don't buy diesel in this country, don't pay anything towards our roads, refuse to pay parking charges at motorway services and bring all their own food with them so they don't spend a penny (or cent) in this country. At the same time they generate a lot of litter and mess locally and help destroy our roads that they aren't paying to use or repair in the process.
On top of this many of these foreign companies are undercutting our own transport industry rates and helping to destroy it.
What level playing field?
And before anyone charges me with jumping on the bandwagon here, yes, I know I work for a European haulage company and am part of the problem (sort of). I'm an export!! At least I spend my wages in this country as do my other English collegues.
Phil West
If at first you don't succeed, use a BIGGER hammer!!