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Another tale of woe(not!!) from the poor misunderstood oil companies. Their profits soar to unbelievable levels..making literally billions! Up 148% in just 3 months. They cant print money as fast as these guys can make it.
Counterpoint this with house re-possessions for the ordinary average Joe in the street, those poor sods struggling with mortgages, yes these house re-possessions are up tooooo.....
up 71%.
Have you ever heard anything like this. Repossessions running at such a level on one hand while the filthy rich get filthier and richer on the other hand, and its all happening in a recession near you!
There is something wrong with this picture. Its not right. Communism set out to cure imbalances like this but sadly failed.We need some kind of new system to regulate wealth so that we get a more equal distribution.
Trade Union Leader Tony Woodley has once again today called for a 'windfall tax' but so far his calls for same have fallen on deaf governmental ears.
Choke on your digits as they roll rapidly by next time you look at the £ refill gauge on that whirring petrol pump.
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