The post you are reporting:
Melissa, please don't be upset, this is only an enjoyable conversation between those who are not weak-hearted, and I can assure you that the participants here are not, we all have a great time, and your experience certainly has set off some discussion! Howeverm Colin, I can't agree with you there, as that what I described as having happened in the 16 hundreds was witnessed over many nights, as it repeated itself, and witnessed means here by many people who lived in that area somewhere near Oxford, and by those passing through, and by some high-ranking officials commissioned by king Charles to investigate. May-be you have to be compliant here, otherwise one could dispute the history of the whole civil-war and, why not? of previous centuries and later centuries, on the grounds that accounts given by people of the time are all just myth! Just because something which you believe impossible was witnessed by many people and also ended up in an official report commissioned by king Charles, doesn't mean it is all humbug!