The post you are reporting:
Hi all,
I'm taking the liberty of publishing the following suggestions below from a very good friend of mine and ex-pat Dovorian who goes under the moniker Brighton Shark.
Living in Brighton as he does, he sees all around him how forward-looking, imaginative urban activists can renew and transform a town for the better, massively improving people's quality of life.
I hope you'll agree that his ideas are spot-on and well worth getting our teeth into:
As a regular visitor to the town the only improvement I have seen of late is the "buffing" of the paths on Castle Street. This was something I could not personally believe, a man with a buffing machine cleaning the slabs, when the rest of the area looks like a hovel.
Simple things that can be done are....
i) Cleaning the pathways in the Cannon St/Market Sq area. When these are wet they are like a skating rink, and I am waiting for the fractured neck of femur as I write. There is a film of diesel on the cobbles, which is the cause.
ii) Expand the skate area in Pencester gardens, or put aside another area for toddlers to play. Both parts are inadequate for either teenagers, who need to get their testosterone out of their system, and the very little children have nowhere to play under supervision.
iii) The art on the boarded shops is excellent. The team behind this should be commended. Can the council assist a little more with this and maybe introduce graffiti and urban art workshops for the younger members of the town, with the people who are already involved. Trust me on this, hundreds of people go to look at a new Banksy.
iv) Weeds. The whole of the town is littered with them. How much is a bottle of Weedol?
v) Plant some nice baskets and reinstate the planters. They look shocking to say the least.
vi) the Dour Cleaning Group (sic) do a fantastic job. now assist them by getting the paths by the Dour in a far better state. If the Council have not got the funds, please say so. I for one would love to come down and help with a bit of Guerilla Gardening, and if you are wondering what this is, please use you internet search engine and look for the Lewes Road petrol station site in Brighton.
I could write more, but these are simple things that could be done in a fortnight, with the Council and community working together.
Brighton Shark.
Cheers all,