The post you are reporting:
Some very good points coming out here, you can't say we are pulling the troops out just like that, did they think it all out?
When the Airborne division first came to dover, their deployment airport was Manston, a stones throw away from here for speedy action, after it was handed over for private use the deployment airport became Brize Norton, how silly was that.
German bases are all geared up for such events, not far to travel and fast deployment.
Where do you put 20,000 troops plus famillies ( 60,000? ), Britain has been closing barracks not building them.
You could say Germany is central to the rest of the world deployment wise and they have the room.
Knock on effects, job losses for the Germans from bus drivers to suppliers.
I could go on and on with a whole list of No Nos as all of us could.
Any way, to me it is a complete non event.