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    Just received this and the words "Soviet" or "Eastern bloc" appear in most of the comments thus far.

    Re Planning Application DOV/17/01523 Outline application for the erection of up to 188 dwellings Former Buckland Hospital Site, Coombe Valley Rd.

    The Dover Society wish to make the following comments in respect of this application.

    We have great concern as to the density of this development, that fails to reflect the low density, mainly 2 storey properties, within the area. The site adjoins a Local Nature Reserve and such a high-rise building would do nothing to enhance the visible amenity to existing residents.

    Looking at the applicants Planning Statement would indicate they were possibly unaware of the topography of the site and therefore assumed it was a totally flat area suitable for development. Therefore, only by creating such tall buildings would they recoup their purchase price of the land as indicated in the Planning Statement 6.5” Furthermore, the site constraints-brownfield construction costs, sloping site and location behind a car park- mean that value as a traditional housing site would be very low and not cost effective to develop. The Viability Assessment shows that there is not enough value in the site to provide affordable housing even with the current flatted proposals”.

    The density and restricted community land space would create a site to attract anti-social activities that similar type high rise building attract within urban cities.

    With the location having very little natural light will result in lighting being required all day affecting environmental sustainability.

    The community engagement seems to have been very restricted and should have included town areas to the east (Buckland Ward) as the view from this area of Dover will be greatly affected with such a high-rise building. Perhaps an example of the restricted consultation being a tick-box exercise.

    This application is for “outline”. The detailed design of the development not being shown, however, based on the designs shown in the local press we consider, if progressed to full application, this style is more akin to a 1970’s soviet design and gives no consideration to the green infrastructure that is part of the visual scene of Dover.

    It is well documented in The Green Infrastructure Plan that Coombe Valley Road is a major flood risk area. Indeed, during heavy rain overflowing sewerage has been known. Such a vast development would create a higher flood risk, as such if planning consent was given the Developer should bear the full costs of any remedial work to solve the flood risk in Coombe Valley Road.

    Traffic problems already exist in Coombe Valley Road that is the only route to the local hospital. Any road improvements, including a suitable railway bridge, should be delivered prior to any site construction and costs being borne by the Developer.

    In conclusion The Dover Society consider the development ill conceived in delivering a high-rise building not suitable to the area, Nationally there is a move away from such developments and the application is what was the norm forty years ago. Dover needs to move forward with “quality” developments. Therefore, we OBJECT to this application.

    Yours sincerely

    P G Sherratt
    Chairman Planning Commitee

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