And how about this for a visual gag, blown-up and emblazoned on the chipboard on the site of The Crypt?
Taken early in the lovely old restaurant's first decade of dereliction.
I'm being serious, by the way. A photo of The Crypt would look quite good on the site of its past glory, and it's a bit of fun. After all, that dreadful, neglected site has been a Dovorian talking point for more than three decades. In fact it's one of the town's premier, if not the premier, dereliction sites, no less (although 'Damages' may dispute that particular accolade).
The same could be done on lots of empty Dover buildings - whack on black and white or colour photo of whatever significant shop/business etc stood there before. As I said, a bit of fun with a nice sense of place and history.
What does everyone reckon?