The post you are reporting:
Can we do more than talk? Can we help? I, like many other's, I think, sit with family and friends over a cuppa and put all the countries problems right, then go off home and do nothing about it. Since joining this forum and listening to you all, I have been thinking how I can do more than just talk. My main concern is youth problems within the communities; no one can tell me we are doing enough to help them.
What I have done this weekend might sound a strange way to help them but if everyone joins in, I think, long term, it might help.
I have gone back to having my milk delivered by the milkman and getting my papers delivered by the local newsagent. Not much on its own I know, but in Deal our local milkman comes from (gets his milk) from Broadstairs. We have lost our milk depot; going back to buying from milkman should create more jobs, maybe even new dairy, getting people off jobseekers, giving them some respect that might just rub off on their children, long term. Same with your papers, business for local shops, more paper boys (pay decent wages) giving them better start in life. If we all encourage our family and friends to do the same, I am sure this can make a difference.
.I am also sure someone will tell me it wont.