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Here`s something I`ve known about and seen for years. You can see it for yourself, at anytime, in any car park. I`ve always parked furthest from the supermarket/DIY store etc, as I don`t mind the bit of exercise walking the often short distance to the store, and it`s always much easier and SAFER to park there anyway. Now, when you`ve got a little time to spare, park away from the store where there`s always ample parking, then watch the already packed out spaces near the store, and watch motorists go round trying to find the nearest parking space they can get to it. The worst and most stupid driver`s of all, are the one`s who park in a space, then cut across to a nearer one, and then another. I`ve seen mishaps, and heard of them happening. Is it laziness? Or is it that no one really notices or cares? It is a dangerous practice, and I`m told the short cutter will be liable if they knock someone down while doing so. Anyone else noticed any of the above?