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Marek, as far as I am aware the carnival will not be starting at 17:00 hrs. There was an agreement made with the events committee and DCAL that as DCAL couldn't get the 15:00 start they wanted then the deal was they could begin at 17:00, however following that meeting, the events committee without further consultation changed the agreed time and told DCAL that it was 18:00 start or nothing basically.
I can see that Sue's comments have caused a little bit of upset, a lot of work goes into carnival and quite rightly so the organisers were misled and now the organisers are trying to move on but it doesn't help when there are people trying to antagonise the situation.
However I am sure that if there any updates then Mandie will be the first one here to let you all know.
On a more pleasant note Marek how old is your daughter? I am really looking forward to selection, it's sad but extremely exciting too, well worth the entry fee.
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