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    I agree with Jan. I really feel that this subject has been done to death and although you are a very good man with Dover's best interest at heart Roger, it is time for you to stop banging this particular drum. Unfortunately your documents reveal nothing new and do not adequately show how the goals are to be scored. This may be why none of the recipients have (to my knowledge anyway) taken you up on your proposals. The Town Team has done what it has done and is doing what it is doing because we took part in the Portas Bid process, by attending the DCLG de-briefings, by taking advice from those who are doing similar things and gaining the confidence of local decision makers.

    Members of the Town Team regardless of how you feel about some of us, are working very hard and are now joined by some of the "big guns" of the business community. DDC and DTC are fully behind what we are doing and supporting in every way they can. DHB are also engaged with us which is extremely encouraging.

    David consistently points out that there is not sufficient money available right now to employ a manager on any level. However we cannot carry on doing it ourselves and there is a plan to engage with a suitable person. We are determined to hold on to our credibility and to do this we must initially deliver the Market which means that we (with proper advice) are doing it ourselves in the immediate term.

    This is not a project that has been entered in to lightly by the TT and indeed it has cost some of us some thousands of pounds of our own (not reclaimable) money. In simple terms and in our own small business way, we are putting our money where our mouths are.

    I have this evening collated the applicants for the stalls and I can report that the first "term" will be well stocked with a variety of traders. This is something of Dover for Dover delivered by a small group of people without any hint of politics, ego or self promotion. What it is doing is costing us money as I have said, but more than that it is costing us a very significant amount of time for which we need nothing, not even a thank you.

    6th November is the day this all starts and I desperately hope that the people will come to Town, support the market, pop in to shops, grab a coffee and make this Blue Bird Market the success that Dover needs.

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