At the moment we have the politics of lies and deception.
Usually politicians stretch and twist the truth, sometimes out of recognisable bearing to the truth, but without actually telling real porkies. That has changed and out and out bare faced lies are integral to Labour's strategy. This whole cuts thing is the proof in any were needed. It is there in black and white, set out in Labour's budget figures, but what does Brown do, he tells bare faced lies about it. Lie may be an ugly word but it is the only one that truly expresses what Brown is about. In the past words like 'Brownies' have been used to avoid what is seen as a harsh word but as I see it we now should abandon politeness and describe what Brown says for what it is, lies.
This is ant interesting article on the same subject with the main focus being the lies told by Brown's right hand man, Ed Balls.
The article highlight one section of an article I read in the Sunday Times quoting a Government Minister explaining this new electoral strategy based on lies.
""""We don't care if the commentators or the economists turn against us. This is all about shoring up the base in the northern heartlands, which we lost in the European elections. We don't want or need them to understand the nuance of the argument. We just want them to hate the Tories again.""""""
I am convinced this strategy wont work in the long run. It will bite Labour right where it hurts most. The Conservatives just need to be seen to be telli ng the truth and to make sure the lies, with evidence, are exposed for what they are.