Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
An 11 page guide on how councillors should avoid becoming involved in internet controversy has been issued in Scotland.
It is hoped that the document will urge elected representatives to be more honest ,informative and entertaining on-line.
Dover take note!! More song and dance routines please
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
On the humour side, although can't sing, maybe dance routine would help cllrs career?
On a moire serious side, often officers of council often would try to SILENCE cllrs,
a good example would be a licensing hearing.
If you lived in the ward, council officers gave advice you shouldn't represent or speak at those meetings.
Thankfully it is only advice although some cllrs felt if the officers spoke it was gospel, of course yours truely thanked them for there advice an continud to speak up for the electorate I represented.
Who has better knowledge than someone living in the heart of the ward.
Although these guidlines should be issued it was becoming like cllrs were being encouraged to speak or be part of as little as possible.
I think that BAZ shares my view or at least some of what I say,
It realy did become disturbing how many cllrs just gave in when officers gave advice, and many who had expertese on the suibject in hand were either restricted from speaking ot didn't speak for fear of living in Dover and having an interest!!!
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
I agree with you and I also think that Councillors should engage more with their constituents and if it means using the internet as a tool to do so then so be it.
I am baffled as why one councillor now a vice chair is unable to continue posting on this forum.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
probably got an enforcable gagging order on her.maybe wrong but lets wait and see.
I believe in this and DTCs website is as informative as we can get it today but we are actively working on even more information. The challenge is updating . I have compared it to other towns and it stands up.
But then I am not complacent and any suggestions will be taken up and considered.
Last week we ran an evening seminar for town councillors on governance and 10 Councillors attended as well as invitees from Folkestone and deal. Everyone was very pleased to spend the time learning about responsibilities and restrictions as well as possibilities and opportunities. These sessions happen at least once a year and are very valuable. From this we will have to consider changes to standing orders . The problem is that the rules imposed on us by central govt change and the latest news on possible changes to the standards /ombudsman systems will of course mean we have to be aware as councillors.
The setup of DTC is different to DDC is as much as they run a cabinet system so can act quicker than us in decision making - all our decisions have to be referred to committee and that is something that the public sometimes dont understand.
I dont think DTC councillors are ever inhibited from speaking but prejudicial and personal interests were aired at our seminar and on that we became a lot clearer. Picture a small parish and it means that councillors are much more involved in the community than say a london borough. in the former example the councillors may know everyone in the parish so personal interest would be unavoidable but that doesn.t stop them voting or acting - its all to do with what is perceived.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
I think David has set the record straight .Marek I can comment but steer away from being political .
I stated on another thread I shall be at the Town Hall today and will report back later .I think it will be very interesting meeting people who were evacuated to Wales .
Howard a Tombolla which has every prize pink .My friend and I wore pink and our stall was eye catching .
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Yes Keith I do agree. The present rules are far more oppressive and over-the-top than in my day. Part of the problem may be interpretation by the officers but not entirely. If a councillor ignores officer advice then they take responsibility upon themselves and there could be serious consequences, including financial ones, as a result.
If only MPs had to work within the kind of constraints they have laid down for Councillors then we would not have had the recent scandals....
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
Thanks DavidH and Sue for your replies.You will note Sue that as a gentleman I didn't actually name you in my Post,
It's good to hear that locally that we endeavor to keep the public well informed by our website.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I think its the old problem, cllrs in the main are part time even though those more active ones live the job and spend many of the 24 hours involved in it all.
Yep, web site, chat rooms etc are one of many ways of engaging, and should all be encouraged.
With the part time cllrs is the very fact a lot have to hold down a full time job and do the cllr BIT in spare time. So for them to commit more time is questionable, but none the less should be looked at.
Apart from all the restrictions put in place to SILENCE cllrs and on the District council the cabinet system which in effect can mean 1 person making a decison(mr collor) an example whilst 44 cllrs just rubber stamp it after decision already made.
It's also questionable if cabinet system is any quicker than committee system as with the cabinet system it can go to scrutiny and take just as long.
I will note our agreement (wow) i'm of the opinion that i was elected to represent the electorate, living, sleeping, workiing at time in the ward i was one of those best placed to comment, but officers thought otherwise, I had battle after battle with them, but it was something i believed in and wouldn't let go.
i had a real passion on this.
I watched cllrs stop representing constituents even though they clearly could have given advice or had lots of knowledge on the subject.
it was/is a crazy situation.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
I spent a very interesting afternoon at the Dover Town Hall representing Dover District Council.There were approx 100 people there .We enjoyed a pleasant cream tea .,after which we were entertained by a guy playing the piano .We were supposed to join in with a sing a long but most people were busy chatting catching up with old friends .
One lady showed me a colletion of letters she had sent to her Mother whilst evecuated in Wales ,also letters from the lady she lived with reasuring her Mother she was well and what a delightful girl she was .Another had a couple of post cards .Each child carried a self addressed postcard which they duly sent home on arrival in Wales .
It was a pleasure to meet so many people .
I did not mind missing the events on the seafront .It was cooler in the Town Hall
For all hat lovers todays creation was cream and brown
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
thanks susan,sounds like a worthy event despite the colour clash with the hats.