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John, we led the world with railways, from Victorian times, to the post WW1 period when the war had taken it`s toll. Between the wars, the big four private railway companies were crying out for the `SQUARE DEAL`, which they never got. The all round depression never helped, but in traditional British style, we had some very able railwaymen, both in management and locomotive building. The Southern Railway had the most extensive electric railway in the world. All this was private enterprise. WW2 came along, after which, the railways were very run down, and of course with the Labour government, they were nationalised in 1948. Since that time of nationalisation, there`s been billions of pounds wasted in the railways, by non railway people,(politicians), acting on (non railway) advisers in where to invest the money. A fleet of 999 brand new standard class steam locomotives, introduced in 1951, which should never have been built, and just 4 years later, in 1955, a one and a half billion pound modernisation programme to get the railways up to date, including, the elimination of steam power. Money was wasted on poor investment in diesel locomotives, in a blind panic to replace steam. This is fact, as it all came out later that there was NO CONCIEVED PLAN for the modernisation of our railways. Then of course the early 60s, steam finishing, dirty loco`s and stock, infrastructure falling apart, and then along comes Beeching with closure of over half the network. Apathy sets in, and so it`s continued all through nationalisation. Privatisation has bought modernisation to the railways, and there has been much investment. BUT, with what you say John, this should all have been done during nationalisation by ALL parties. I`m not into politics but I understand alot of people want the railways re-nationalised, so I can`t comment, but at work, there are a number of jobs going in the freight sector. With the recession, it`s hard to decide whether any of it`s justified. I understand all you say John. Incidently, it`s Network rail now not Railtrack.