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Wow I go away for a few days and all these postings got to reply
When they nip away all the parties you end up in isolation like ken is close to
Funny how in weeks either you have lied to me over years or you forget wot u say to me from one week to the next!
Wasn't that long ago you was telling me how much you respected me, on this forum you give a very diffrent impression wonder why that is?
So you read the Daily Mail, good for you, a wonderful choice?
on IDS I don't think it mattered who was leader of tories at that time the knives were out, although I have to say IDS comes across far better now than he ever did as leader.
On Labour, yep it became electable by moving from its roots and there are aspects as you know I disagree with, but it had to change or be in opposition forever
something the tories are learning at the moment and changing.
Being honest Ken the Labour party was unlikely to allow you to rejoin them after your outburst when you left, and your standing against a labour candidate
So its easy to gripe on here, but the story needs to have both sides
As I'v said many times before I RESPECT your right to post even if I disagree with many of your comments.
But things like the Age concern initiative you should be commended for.
Yep all the parties, yes ALL the parties will say what they feel the electorate want to hear, doesnt matter whether its costed or not.
Labour went for the middle England vote, which tories are after now
I have NEVER been in politics for myself, in fact I would go as far as to say many politicians work hard for the communities they serve and the council.
Thats why i contiunue to do my volunteer work after finishing as a cllr because i believe in volunteering and not just moaning about things.
I do enjoy the volunteer part of my life now, a lot less politics(apart from here)
I take a back seat in the political world these days, and I feel so much better for it.
bacon rolls off then?