The post you are reporting:
Political correctness IS the "bad guy" ... it is very much the bad guy. It is "PC" that puts ideas out there that says the old song "Baa Baa Black Sheep" is a racist song; that "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" is reinforcing prejudice stereotypes of the vertically-challenged; that Tom and Jerry glorifies violence; that Laurel and Hardy are subversive homosexuals because they innocently share a bed in a couple of movies; that to offer an opinion on immigration makes you "racist"; that Christmas Carol services should be either banned or re-configured in order not to offend the local Muslims; shall I go on?
PC has assaulted our values, corrupted innocent material, and made everyone politically hypersensitive and ready to attack just about anything that can have the "PC" template applied to it in any form whatsoever. It has divided communities (mainly where immigration is an issue), suppressed valued and valid opinions and free speech, and forced self-imposed censorship through fear among commentators and editors (see Dennis the Menace above). PC is a huge blight on culture, festering in a well of intellectual rot and spreading nothing but paranoia and ill will.
It has nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - to do with the politics of social injustice, of women getting the right to vote or kids the right to education rather than being crammed up chimneys. It has nothing to do with fascist regimes murdering Jews or Stalinist oppression. PC has everything to do with forcing the social mindset into an ultra-socialist brainwashed state where nothing can be criticized, spoken against, insulted, offended, or otherwise challenged. And that is wrong. That, my friends, is its own form of fascism. You could call it "mental fascism" or "intellectual fascism", like having "mind police" that have an agenda based on making our views narrow and our fears strong so that we don't speak out. Like everything, it is about control.
The Dennis the Menace comic isn't to blame for this - it is as much a victim of PC as the rest of us. Clearly the editors feared some form of comeback if the showed Dennis being threatening and bullying, but without those elements then what use is he? What's more, how on earth do kids access material that acts as a vent for their inner feelings when it is all so cute and empty? What can they possibly learn from this and how will all of these PC sterilized characters shape their values for the future?
Anyone who thinks that PC is in any way right or acceptable is frankly part of the problem or they simply don't understand it.