The post you are reporting:
if i can add my experience, make of it what you will.
when i was first married we lived in a newly built house in stratford, east london.
next door were a couple, the bloke a local lad and the girl from northern ireland, sadly i cannot remember their names.
they had two young lads glen and darren that were about 3 and 4 going from memory.
cathy(remember her name now, lovely girl with a fiery temper from time to time, was having her third baby when she was taken into hospital and had to have an emergency op.
the anaesthatist cocked up and the machine was not switched on properly, hence she went into a coma and later died.
the husband (graham, his name has come back to me) took the kids over to belfast soon after to stay with his in laws.
a few days after he left there was an almighty banging crashing from next door, the missus asked me to investigate as i had the key, i said "don;t bother it is just cathy returned and gone apesh*t at the kids not being there."
i have no idea why i thought and said that.
a few weeks later speaking to graham i related my experiences, he said that the kids get visited most nights by their late mum who tucks them in.
i was staggered by this comment as graham was one of those blokes that believed in nothing like that at all.