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Shame Roger. It really baffles me how some people fall for these mediums hook, line and sinker. To be a 'medium' one just needs to be clued up on the basic psychological technique of 'cold reading', i.e. throwing open and generic questions to the audience hoping that someone will pick up. "I'm sensing an old man...beginning with A...who smoked a pipe". That'll include a third of the audience immediately. Then narrow it down.."he had breathing difficulties...possibly a bad leg" and so on. Coupled with the odd plant in the audience for boosting credibility, and bob's your uncle.
Case in hand, a friend wanted me to come along to a psychic fair in Folkestone once, I just went along to keep him company, not because I believed in any of it. A woman got us together in a seated group of about 40, and talked about astral planes and whatnot. Then she announced that 'someone here is interested in UFOs'. I'd just been reading about the Roswell incident (yes, it was a weather balloon, I'm not that gullible), so reacted. Then she homed in on me and started asking questions about sightings I had had. This actually amounted to none. Of course it's hardly a shocker that in a room of people who embrace this new-age stuff, at least a couple would have an interest in the UFO phenomena. It'd be odd if there weren't.
Even if one can see through it, they've still got your money. If one only goes for entertainment, then fair enough I suppose.