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Dover has suffered appallingly over recent decades from bad planning and lack of foresight. Not the only town to do so I hasten to add. I strongly believe that Dover does have the potential to become a whole lot better than it currently is, but for that I`m afraid you have to have the right people in place and without any outside influence destroying what`s left. JIMMY, I live at Whitfield too, and it strikes me as an all too easy option with all the open space up here to build on it. I don`t think that`s the answer myself, NOR being rude to Bern!!! Personally, much as I like them and to use them, I`m sick of the sight of seeing Homebase, Tesco, B&Q, Comet etc plastered all over the country in industrial estate sites. More land disappearing unneccessarily to the uncaring, money grabbing developer`s. There are sites in Dover, but as usual, wasted opportunities.