This event was very good about 50 young players took part you can see the photo Gallery on or go into the Dover Chess Tournament 2008 and you can get it on tht to,I am ready talking today to get t back next year but bigger thank you to the D.T.C. for their help and funding without it the Tournament would not have got going and also for all the helpers it was a very good day, I am now looking forward to next weekend for the Kite Festival over two days.
I will do aposting about that later in the week,
Well done today to the Dovor District Council upo at the park I was there with my wife most of the day it was well put on with lots to see, I feel we geting all together now in Dovor so lets move on to rest of the year and next year working together with lots more events.
Thank you I remain ours faithfully Vic mATCHAM