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Sad you have taken this line, at the end of the day whether BERN is tory, Labour, Lib Dem or no party it doesn't matter, on here we can post and disagree.
I often disagree as you know with other posters and will continue to do so,
We do have to have some light hearted times, I have to say having attended the full council your leader leaving the room showed disrespect when you were speaking, and you did make a passionate speech which is your right.
At least Nigel did sit through it, it was sad to see the number of snide remarks being mafde whilst you spoke.
Although I don't agree with your stand on this screen I derfend your right to stick up for your constituents.
Nobody doubts your cvommitted to what you believe in, but theres nowt wrong with having socialist views like BERN may have.
In the past Sue we have worked together on many projects and been on the same side.
So Sue just get on and fight fotr what you believe in, thats all you can do.
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