Marek, expect you know but the high speed craft Speed One which used to run Dover-Boulogne has now been purchased by Condor after being laid up in Tilbury ever since Speed Ferries went bust owing prodigious sums to all and sundry. She is replacing Condor 10 and will be named Condor Rapide.
Unfortunately, high speed costs high money and is why Condor charge so much and stay in business, and why Speed Ferries went under, and why all the other fast craft operations from Dover have disappeared. The last one, Norman Arrow, is now in summer service Portsmouth-Le Havre after proving lamentably ill-suited for the quick turnarounds on the short sea.
All the Sea Containers seacat services under the Hoverspeed banner to Ostend/Calais/Boulogne winked out one by one and Sea Containers itself is now no more, the company received a Winding Up Order in January after operating under Chapter 11 bankruptcy since 2008.