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No theory here Keith and neither is it a matter of 'best' or 'no good'. look at the most simple financial fact that everyone should be able to understand.
The only income the public sector gets is from the profits and taxes gained from the private sector. Taxes paid by public sector employees is re-cycled money within the public sector, not new money. Indeed that is true of what you might call the secondary public sector, nominally private forms that get all or a large part of their revenue from the public sector.
The whole point is that currently the public sector (including secondary p.s.) comprises 53% of the UK GDP being supported by 47% that is the private secotor.
Imagine that as an upside down pyramid - can you imagine a more unstable structure?
Public spending at this level is simply not supportable. That does mean we must reduce employment in the public sector and do everything we can to boost the profit making and wealth producing private sector.
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