The post you are reporting:
I hope you will allow me top comment more in general terms on the n/hood Forum.
Before that I do understand your upset at Barryw and the chamber of commerce not requiring your services any longer.
But apart from the chamber there needs to be some joined up thinking.
If we want to get tourists into the town we have to encourage that to happen, and market it correctly, a number of people can help in this(not just the chamber)
and with this there comes a real need to do something about the tired looking buildings in the Town.
Litter in general, yep more bins, but it needs to go far wider than that, we need to get into pre schools, primary schools to get kids at an early age on the issues around litter, it will be a long term thing, but over time hopefully will get through to the children, who would embarrass there mums/dads who drop litter.
Maybe more adverts on the effects of dropping litter around the town.
fines etc, get a few fines in place and people will think twice about it.
Policies of DDC also need to be looked at as i'v said on here before, the policy of moving business to Whitfield is fine in itself, but taking these business's from the town will and has a serious effect on the town centre.
Theres a few thoughts to be going on with