The post you are reporting:
I think the consultants hired Stanley Unwin to word the answers, the last sentence in this answer was all that was needed.
Q2: In view of your confidence in the proposed dredging of the Goodwin
Sands, would you agree to a clause in your extraction licence to the effect
that if any coastal impact (e.g. erosion, flooding etc.) arises along the
coast from Kingsdown to Sandwich Bay in the next 15 years you (Port of
Dover) will meet the costs of additional coastal regeneration and
compensate homeowners and the local authorities for any
distress/damage? - Esme Chilton
A: Section 6 of the ES sets out the existing environment for hydrodynamic
processes (i.e. wave and tides) and sedimentary processes (i.e. erosion and
accretion) and assesses the potential changes to the physical environment and any
secondary impacts resulting from this, such as any subsequent erosion or flooding
Open Meeting: Q&A Report PB2107/R20160804/303686/Lond
Final Report - 3 - 5 August 2016
at the coast. The ES concluded that there would be a ‘negligible magnitude of
effects’ predicted to result from the proposed scheme on coastal processes and
hydrodynamics and that mitigation measures were not required. Of particular not to
this question, the effect on waves following the dredging operation, which could
change the processes of sediment transport, both locally and towards the east Kent
coast, was assessed and concluded that the changes would be negligible, i.e. within
the range of natural variation.
The Marine Management organisation (MMO) and statutory advisors will assess the
evidence provided within the ES, including whether the impacts are acceptable, the
appropriate mitigation measures are in place and if any monitoring is required. The
MMO will only grant Port of Dover permission to dredge if they conclude that it is
safe to do so. As long as the Port complies with the licence conditions we cannot be