Latest photos from the St. James development site.
Panorama of Block A along Townwall Street 13 April 2017
The concrete flooring has gone down in the 'NEXT' store unit as contractors work along the Block towards the M&S unit.
The Travelodge site has been relatively quiet this week since main contractor RG took over the site. Boarding shuttering has been removed from the floor levels but there has been little noticeable activity at the west end of the unit towards St James Street.
Indeed over the whole site there appears to be fewer personnel than previous. Possibly just a blip before the Easter recess.
Ross poses two good questions in his post at #828.
As usual no answers forthcoming on this forum from DDC or Bond City. Pity, since they are pertinient and easily answered questions to which many of us would like to know the answers as DDC have spend taxpayers money on this project, and presumably Bond City are wanting a return on their investment (unless they have already negotiated same with L&G).
I will add another question. Who (singular or plural) will receive the rental income / ground rent from the units once occupied?