Good morning to you all and a very happy Easter,
I have just got back from this years Easter Sunrise Service held at 6.00hrs at the St. Mary,s in Castro at the Dover Castle there was about forty of us this year,I think that was more than last year.
This is a very good service held outside over looking Dover and the sea[what a seting that is first thing in the morning].
Yes it was cold but to sing hymns like Christ the lord is risen today,Thine be the Glory,and to sing them over looking the sea and see the ships going bye and then look down on Dover and the Sun coming up behind all of this.
You know we do have alot to be thankfull in Dover you can do and see all of this and it is FREE to all each day of the year.
Easter is now to the end for this year,and I will be at my own Church at 11.00am with my wife and then we are off to the corn mill at River and I hope I meet up with some of you there.
Well I am off again up to Langton cliffe with my dog to see it all again.
I remain yours faithfully Vic Matcham.