The post you are reporting:
Barry, I think you need to get a life mate. You remind me of someone who would report a motorist to the police due to the fact that their wheel was an inch over a double yellow line just because "it`s the law".
Your reaction to Vic`s completely genuine and friendly gesture of offering to buy someone a cup of tea and a slice of toast says it all really. Some bribe eh!
On the other hand, it`s quite ok apparently to provide services to a voter by way of a lift to the polling station because " they may then vote for the other party". Well, who`s not to say that after drinking Vic`s free tea they also go and vote for someone else. In fact they may have ALREADY voted before taking the dodgy cuppa!
Surely, in implying that anyone on the Forum could have their voting principals and personal integrity swayed by a cup of tea is rather insulting to the people concerned. Who knows, at the end of the day they could be UKIP supporters anyway.
You then go on to say that you would " personally prefer not to report Vic to the Returning Officer/Police via a formal complaint ". But you don`t actually say that you won`t! You also say that if Vic ignores your "advice" he may well " have to face legal consequences ". And this you say is meant to be
"helpful and friendly advice " More like petty and small minded.
It gets even better Barry, you then infer that Vic`s actions could be deemed as influencing the poll result. Well, I knew the result might be close in Dover but not for one minute did I ever consider that a couple of cups of tea would spell disaster for your bunch baring in mind how many thousands of pounds you`ve obviously thrown into Charlie`s campaign. Funny that, I always thought you were 100% confident of victory. Shame you hadn`t factored in Vic`s cunning tea plan!
In reply to Sue, I think I must be the chap that " was like talking to a brick wall ". Well, funnily enough I`d have said that was the other way round. In fact I don`t even recall you stopping for breath whilst giving us the benefit of your electoral wisdom, whether we wanted it or not.
In closing, yes, technically under the most strictest scrutiny Vic could be deemed to be in breach of some infringement but as none of you would stoop so low as to inform on him it doesn`t really matter does it?