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    On this day, the 20th of April 1968, Enoch Powell made the most infamous speech in British Political history. He made it to warm applause at a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham. He predicted that by the year 2000 the country would be awash with immigrants and as a consequence awash with 'rivers of blood'... if the immigration levels carried on as they were at the time.

    Well the immigration levels have essentially carried on more or less the same. Various governments tweak it here or tweak it there, to curry public favour, but yes essentially it is the same now as it was then. And yes some could say that the country is awash with immigrants.

    Enoch Powell predicted there would be 7million ethnics here by the year 2000, in fact there were actually 4.6million, still a very substantial number. We havent seen the rivers of blood...or have we..remember those home grown islamic bombers.. but we have certainly seen a society change beyond all recognition. The England today is a heady mix of immigrants from all parts of the world. Society is nothing at all like it was, it is multicultured, multimixed racially of all possible combinations, and we are ridled with politically correct rules and regulations for fear of someone, anyone, being upset by a careless remark.

    For people at the time of Powells speech, people who longed to hold on to an England of country villages and garden teas, all was lost. That England of green and pleasant land was gone forever. Powell hit the right note for some, but horrified many.

    He carried on as a Conservative afterwards but was shocked himself at the widespread horrific response to his speech. Powell was forever marginalised after that...he slipped down from shadow minister to obscurity, and eventually left the Conservatives and became an Ulster Unionist in 1974, which says a lot about the Ulster Unionists and there own 'race' based position at the time.

    Whether England is a better place today or not is debatable.

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