none other than our resident noble, the right hon barry wadsworth-smythe, bestriding priory street sporting a tan that could only have been gained at his summer palace in martinique, moustache freshly waxed and barnet recently coiffured.
i asked him for the price of a can of lager, sorry cup of tea and he referred me to his special branch bodyguard.
If only one had the time I could have shared a cup of this Carlsberg Special Brew you speak of Howard, does it come from the Lapsang or Earl Grey variety Thank you for the compliments, one does, what one can
What? No titfer? I would have expected the deerstalker to be sticking out of the back pocket at least. To be seen improperly dressed is a poor show don't you know?
barry seemed very proud of his new haircut, hence no headwear sid.
no doubt if he had chosen something, a cheesecutter worn at a rakish angle would have been the order of the day.