True, I do drive to London and it is a no-brainer: it would be better not to!! I would prefer not to as well and if public transport was better, quicker, cleaner, more efficient and convenient I would - Iam sure I have told you about when my son and I went to Live8 in Edinburgh after we had done the London one - we flew from Manston as it was just before they went bust. My husband went to london on the train at the same time. We went from OUR HOUSE to our accomodation in Edinburgh by plane, including the taxi drive to and the checking in at the hotel BEFORE my husband had reached London!!! But that's by the by - you are right, it is polluting, but it isn't even remotely like sitting in a pub breathing someones cigarette smoke or allowing kids to breathe it, given all the evidence around the ill health caused by smoking and passive smoking. The difference, I guess, is that we have an opportunity to reduce ill health outcomes for people by reducing the areas inwhich we are exposed to smoke unintentionally - it removes the need to rely on smokers to be thoughtful or considerate as it is done for them!!! Truly - I have no problem with anyone wanting to smoke, only about them doing it near me or a loved on, or in a place that also inconveniences me. I like pubs, but avoided them for years. I have also seen the terribl;e damage done by smoking and if we can prevent just one youngster from taking it up by making it less cool or acceptable, job done as far as I am concerned!