The post you are reporting:
Howard, 1981, Cleveland School in our old multicultural hometown. We were advised, by the school, to move away for the sake our childrens education.
Friday was, "teach the foreigners" English day. White kids had to attend school, but were put in the assmebly hall and allowed to play all day, no teaching for them 5 days a week. The Christmas show was cancelled so as not to offend those who didn't understand the Christian religion. A multicultural event replaced it, which only seemed to confuse the kids but made the PC mob happy. Not all the teachers subscribed to killing our culture, hence the advice.
So, I did live in multicultural area and luckily for my family, was able to get them out of it. Multiculturalsim of the early 80's was a one way street against the indigenous peoples of these islands, make no mistake.
PS. I am NOT a racist and have many friends not of my ethnic origin, or blacks, browns and yellows for those who like plain speaking.