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Ive been reading this on and off throughout the day and now have decided to air my views.
Firstly how many of you actually live in the Maxton area and actually overlook this beautiful as it is valley now. I purchased my house because of the village feel, great neighbours and stunning views. 500 plus houses built here is a joke with a town that is dieing around our ears. Im not going to preach about that as it speaks for itself.
Im not against sympathetic development but this amount can only ruin an area that is not just beautiful now but will be for future generations. Why do we have to cover all the nice green areas in concrete. Lets get what we have in order and worthy for anyone wanting to come and live in Dover before we build more. Whats happened about the Whitfield development.
I have seriously considered recently running for council as I feel the local councillors we have are totally out of touch with the real world. Sorry if I have offended anyone but hey Ive said it. However I'm probably to outspoken to be one
I know I am not alone with saying I dont want this but at the end of the day I seriously think we wont be listened to anyway thats if it ever comes along.
Leisure would have been better i.e golf course or even a community park.
Anyway rant over.
Im not before anyone says NOT IN MY BACK YARD. Just stop, look, listen and say do we want to lose this beautiful vista forever. I say NO
I am obviously just talking about Farthingloe. I wont even begin to give my views on Western Heights - yet!
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