Also, there is a general view among many people in the Public all over England and indeed Britain, that the building of houses usually does not create local employment of any general significance, as developers and building contractors already have their employed people and rarely employ local people when a contract comes up.
One fine example is the Channel Tunnel, where most people employed in building it were not local, but came from all over Britain, hence the workers village at Farthingloe.
Had they been local workers, they would have not needed a special temporary village to accommodate them.
Hopefully we can get these few fine details sorted out, Andrew G. that this is an issue of local conservation of PROTECTED areas where we do not want ANYONE settling down in new homes, and that it is NOT an ethnic issue.
The reason why I have brought up the topic on Londoners moving to Dover is because local Dover councillors have often stated that this is one of their intended policies, to have houses specifically built in and around Dover so that people from London can come and settle here.
I believe that this is something the Council has no right to do, as they should serve the interests of the local population within their administrative boundaries.
It may be a personal opinion and open to debate, but fact is, it appears evident, also through your posts, Andrew, that some decision makers and their supporters want to build settlements on areas of AONB and SAM status, specifically in order to accommodate Londoners.
Finally, Andrew, do not try to separate this CGI planning application from the DDC core strategy to build over 10,000 homes in and around Dover until 2026, as you are not a Court Judge with powers to tell people what they are allowed to say in a hearing and what not to say. There is clearly a correlation in the issue concerning the building of 10,000 new homes in the core strategy plus 600 more at Farthingloe and on Western Heights, and inevitably the conclusion I reach is that these homes are not meant for local people but for migrants. And I do not agree with this policy.
We have empty homes in Dover in plenty, and do not need any new homes at this time.
We should not have a State-imposed mass settlement scheme going on in Dover through the building of settlements.
If you want Londoners to move to Dover, Andrew, then they must make do with the available accommodation.
Please don't place words in my mouth.