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Regarding properties in town above shops which are not being used at the moment: I don't really personally consider those place as really ideal living quarters for, say, a young family. That idea is really just a short term desperate measure instead of investing in building houses. I would prefer not to live where my children would be woken up in the early hours after kicking out time. Not that some people are quite happy living in those flats they are not a long term solution only a temporary band aid.
Planning rules change over the years according with the needs and demands of the market. Perhaps the existing planning laws are wrong. Actually no they are wrong no question leading to land banking, sacred cows like greenfield sites and talk of our countryside being destroyed by more housing development.
ANOB is merely an acronym. It is rather meaningless in some ways as one persons idea of outstanding natural beauty can differ greatly from someone elses.
In the same way that some herberts think wind farms and solar parks as glorious and romantic and at one with mother earth others with better taste see them merely as cash cows, ugly and a blight.
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