The post you are reporting:
As I have written before - were one to want to build a few hundred homes in the area the Farthinloe site is close to ideal in terms of connectivity - close to A20/M20, close to HS1 link to London, easy access to Eurotunnel.
Whilst in an AONB the status is almost by default - the line outlining the area just happens to enclose the site which in itself is not that outstanding, natural or beautiful - mostly being almost a brown-field site covered with the bases and roads from the old Channel Tunnel workings.
As for affordable housing, as long as the houses are actually lived in, and the new owners previous accommodation was not either a tent or a caravan, presumably they will have sold their previous accommodation to someone and when you go further down the chain one of the properties on the end might be affordable to one of our local paupers.
And as for the developers making a 'profit' errrr that's what they do. As do most employers, be they factory, shop, airline, ferry company or whatever - otherwise they cease trading. At this point you get zero homes, affordable or otherwise, for anyone anywhere.