Ah we have had so many reports lately on this, that, and the other, but have you heard about this one...and no Im not making it up!
It seems that fat people eat 3 or 4 times more food than slim people. Therefore by their actions, they are damaging the planet, damaging our precious environment. Jetliners have to ferry this food for their avaricious tastebuds all around the globe to satisfy their not insubstantial needs. We therefore have a case that at least three, or maybe four, more Airline journeys are needed to fill the gobs of these larger fatter types( as opposed to the slim ones who just require a single airline journey). Extrapulate this figure into the tens of thousands ( as there are many people of this inclination) and you have a serious ozone problem. Yes thats it...thousands and thousands of extra airline journeys are required in order to fill the gobs of the fatties!
Well I was shocked..their could be an ozone backlash.
So next time you are ordering a double helping of curried chicken or creamed rice or a double choc dessert..think twice. You may be throttling the life out of the planet, you may be singelhandedly melting the polar ice cap, you may be causing widespread drought, you may be....well you get the drift! Nobody at all will love a fattie then.