The anchor from the Spanish Prince is the ideal candidate to occupy the vacant Waiting Miners plinth. It would be directly facing the Western Entrance where the Spanish Prince has kept guard all these years. In WW1 she and the Livonian had nets strung between them to prevent access by submarines or other craft. In WW2 she, together with the War Sepoy and Minnie de Larrinaga, completely blocked the entrance to prevent access. In all the intervening years she has served to dampen the wave amplitude over in the Eastern Docks by acting as an underwater breakwater deflecting the powerful jetstream flowing through the Western Entrance under the influence of the tide race.
The anchor as depicted in Colin's photo is a traditional anchor as sported in the tattoos on the arms of countless generations of sailors and is absolutely ideal for this plinth.
Interested to learn that the Channel Dash Association are also looking for a site for a memorial to supplement the superb one at Ramsgate commemorating the doomed Swordfish airmen who perished in their suicidal attack on the German battle squadron. The contribution from Dover was from the MTB's who sallied forth against overwhelming odds and a depiction of this action is much to be welcomed.