Well here's another first as a Hampshire fishery bans anglers from using white bread as bait for fishing. Anglers are being banned from using white bread as bait because it is bad for the fish - leaving them bloated and lethargic.
Instead, fishermen are urged to cast out chunks of wholemeal and granary bread into lakes in their bid to lure a catch White bread lacks the protein that brown slices contain and too much of it leaves harms the guts of fish
So before you catch it,club it to death,gut it and eat it the fish is to be given a last meal of its choice. Now comes the problem of enforcing the rule.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
If it does that to the fish - leaves them bloated and lethargic, does it have the same affect on people ? Make the fish easier to catch I'd have thought.
I know that most anglers put their catch back and respect the fish they catch, but insisting on serving them with wholemeal/granary bread instead of Kingsmill white, seems a bit silly.
I hear the fishermen on the Ad Pier were given on the spot fines of £60 pound for keeping undersized fish last week and the man with the van who seems to buy the catches was fined considerably more, not been as busy since