I have in my hands hot off the press,The E.U. Common Fisheries Policy The Heading is (What you need to know.
There are five parts to it.
(1)The History.
(2)The plan.
(3)The Effect and cost.
(4)The U.K.I.P. Solution and the Benefit to our Nation,
This morning I am going to write about (4) but if you wish to read about some of the others please tell me and that will be done.
The first stage is to exit the C.F.P.and return our fishing grounds to national control in line with the Unitions Convention of law of the sea(UNCLOS).this sets out 12 nautical mile TERRITORIAL waters and 200miles nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or meddian line equidistant from closer states,giving us rights over the natural resources therein.
I did not write that myself,but do go along with it,I do not 100% understand it all yet, but again I will be told more about it late in the week.
The rest we all can follow even me.
Inconsultation with marine scientists and fishermen, we would.
(1)Stop the practice of dumping fish.(I think most of us go along with that.)
(2)Restrict certain catches to allow the stock to regenerate.
To me that is good to, how would we do that?I can not tell you that at this time.
(3)Drive the introduction of better methods of netting to reduce by-catch and undersize fish.
(4)Introduce moveable and seasonal"No Take Zones" to allow effective spawning.
(5)Enforce strict limits on minimum landing Size(MLS) Sounds good but how would that be done I aske?
(6)Limit days at sea in a fair and equitable manner if it became necessary.
(7)Require that basically all fish caught would be landed to reduce needless wasteand destruction.(I think that is the right thing to do.
(8)Allow a five year transition period for foreign E.U. vessels with a history of fishing our waters to continue.(I do not agree with that one five years I feel is to long.)
(9)British fishing rules would be enforced on all boats in our waters,and the licence to fish could be removed for boats found to be in violation of them.(That is must I feel.)
(10)Licences would be issued against boats not owners,so if the boat is sold the licence is lost.
(11)Ban any fishing boat that had received EU subsidiesfrom operating in our waters.
(12)Strengthen the Royal Navy,s fishery protection capability and the British Sea Fisheries Officers commensurately.(I feel all that is a must.)
(13)Set up sea Fisheries College and a Fishermans Training School to address the trained manpower shortage that will be a feature of our expanding fishing industry.
Well I go along with most of that it would be of great help to get our own fleets back up and running.So when you vote next time just think about it.