We started putting up flags in Castle st yesterday in time for St Georges day on Friday when we English celebrate!. I could do with some help today with some taller sockets for 15 mins if anyone has a moment? I have only 4 Admirals Flags left and was asked to add to the some Union flags. I have agreed the Moroccon and Italian flags as they paid for them but does anyone have a view on what we should fly as I have to buy another 10 or more flags?
And while I am at it I hope some of you will attend the St James salute to the Zeebrugge Soldiers - or at the town Hall on Friday at 11am ( please check time)
and lastly, Happy Birthday your Majesty
I would only question why any flags other than the flag of St George will be flying that day.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
My programme of events states outside Dover Town Hall 11.55am when the Mayor will ring the bell .At 11.00am we will be gathered at the Cemetry for laying of wreaths .Hope that helps .
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
Might the standard of the Cinque Ports be appropriate?
True friends stab you in the front.
Can I get them for a £5 andy - or where and can they be flown by anyone - quite interested
Indeed Sid but I am a public servant - St george is going up for me!
Thank you Sue
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
I wouldn't have thought you could get them for a fiver, David! I don't quite know where to get them from either but I'd have thought Julia Benstead could help........
True friends stab you in the front.
Guest 697- Registered: 13 Apr 2010
- Posts: 622
Nice to see some civic pride in action. Well done, David! Could I suggest the EU flag and the 'Stars and Stripes' both of which should appeal to visiting tourists from the cruise ships. We're now at the start of the peak season for Dover's cruise business so anything which makes the town look more attractive has to be a good thing. As the courtesy bus comes down Castle Street into the Market Sqaure, it will be a nice way to welcome visitors. It will also make a good photo opportunity with the flags waiving and the castle as Dover's world-famous backdrop. Makes you proud to be a Dovorian......
I wouldn`t have thought somehow that the EU "flag" (for want of a better name) should be mentioned in the same breath as St. George, let alone flown on "his" day!
Unregistered User
The clue is in the name, St Georges Day, can't we just be proud to be English for one day, fly our flag and not worry about anyone else.
One year I tried to get all different flags but had some opposition - after all the owners of the buildings may have objections - however it isnt a life and death matter - as is said it is just to liven the street up until we can get the flower baskets filled in june.
Last year I went over the top and put flags up even if not asked for but some got taken down. Thats life but at one time there were nearly 20 up and I had to fix more brackets as the originals have rusted. This may be the last year of this nonsense as getting up ladders is more difficult for my feet - the rest of me is quite willing
Guest 672- Registered: 3 Jun 2008
- Posts: 2,119
How come you did'nt ask me this year big guy?
grass grows by the inches but dies by the feet.
I posted here petty late as I wanted to leave it as long as possible before starting. However I have to get some more up today if I can and then must buy some more - so welcome your help Ian. Didn't get any other response. Yesterday I was in all day. Today iI'm in and out. so best wait until I have all the flags and do a Saturday morning and get them all up. Ishall mail you and anybody else that will help, probably Sat week?
Guest 697- Registered: 13 Apr 2010
- Posts: 622
My suggestion referred to flags being flown throughout the summer season when we have many tourists from Europe, the US and further afield visiting the town.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
sounds like a reasonable idea kevin, a lot of hotels and bars abroad fly different flags in order to welcome customers.
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
calias is doing somthing for st.georges day about 30 or so bars,bistros cafes are joining in along with our mayour sue jones,acording to thr dover express.
So, a jolly in France for the Mayor then? Nice for some eh? What other business for Dover will she conduct whilst there, apart from building relations of course? Will we see a return on OUR investment?
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i think that our victor commented on this issue sid.
he said that as a town councillor, trips were made across "le pond", nothing positive ever materialised.
paul the fuhrer is of the opinion that there are new links with our french friends that will be of benefit to all of us.
"new links" eh? Would this be with "new" people or the same old faces in committees with different names? Anyone care to enlighten us? Remember folks, WE are paying for this trip so let's be told what the benefits are to US. Open Government anybody?
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
sid,she is allso doing a bit up in zeebruge as well.
The Mayor performs many ( hundreds) of engagements every year - and it isnt a paid job - indeed it costs. If it were just a jolly then its well deserved. In fact our relations with our neighbours are very important and there is a large a mount of reciprocity and benefit to the town. Their officials come here and we cannot isolate ourselves from the issues across the channel. Events here have attracted many visitors.
anyway this is a thread about flags not DTC.
I take on board the idea this year of offering various flags but of course I have now to get individual approval from each building for which flag they want . Yesterday I did have a request for a welsh flag which was promptly withdrawn as the comment was that it might offend someone or attract vandalism!! Ludicrous indeed - but thats the world we live in ! I once put up a South African flag and it was stolen immediately!
Put up 2 more yesterday at the same time crying " St George for England! " as I went up the ladder looking somewhat like the lady storming the Bastille and only have one George flag left so will ask the owners .
Happy St Georges day!