The post you are reporting:
I e-mailed you the other day, and explained the view of the secretary only, not the forum, unfortunately I had a meeting prior to the meeting you are on about, so did not get the views of the electorate of the ward across, the most of the ward want the play area re-instated on the old site, the people in power see this as a problem, we don't, we are not asking for state of the art play area, swings, roundabout and a slide would be something, yes, this site is not agreeable for everyone (disabled or mums with pushchairs) although this has never detered mums before, at least by installing somthing here, would get a good few of the children something to play on, and keep of the streets, also if the football pitch was kept under controll as it used to be, instead of neglected, the lads and lasses would be up there playing footie, instead of in the street.