The post you are reporting:
Howard, I think Sue is implying an attitude prevalent amongst the 'benefits' class. She has a valid point but expresses it in such a way as to probably deter more people from voting Tory than encourage them to do so. I once workd a contract in a Job Centre and saw first hand some who came in to claim. Whilst there is no denying some were genuine job seekers, a good many were, quite frankly, only looking for any excuse not to work, but collect maximum benefits. Sad to say, they were mainly young people whereas the genuine claimants tended to be 40 plus.
Harry, I think 13 years of lies and spin following on from the 17 years of Tory rule has obviously left you in a quandary. I shared that dilemma for a short while and came to the following conclusions:
1 Labour - dishonest from day one, proven by reading their 1997 GE manifesto. Have shown very poor fiscal wisdom from the start, where Gordie sold off our gold reserves for a song, plus the attack on our pensions. We have worked all ourt lives and strived to get enough behind us to enjoy as best we can what is most likely to be a poverty stricken old age. Labour has devalued our pensions more than any government in my lifetime, and I don't thank them for it. The raid on pension funds was not a manifesto pledge and quite frankly I feel mugged and cheated. Ergo, no vote from me at the GE.
2. LibDem - unproven and what appear to be socialist ideals allied to leather sandal wearing policies that just don't add up financially. I reckon they will make a decent opposition, but not a government, yet.
3. UKIP - I've given them airtime purely because I respect Vic. Could I vote for a party just to the left of the BNP? I don't think so.
4. Conservative - Think they are dreadfully weak on substance and that is why their share of the polls isn't improving. The Tories have a history of dishing out tough medicine which usually works, however, they have no concept of treading lightly or being compassionate. The soft words are fake and make my stomach turn. However, I wish they would, of all the party's, stand up and tell us the truth of what we are about to face. However, the Tory track record on sorting out the mess left by Labour is really good and for that reason I trust them to lead us into calmer seas again. Sadly, they don't appear to learn any lessons on humility and will cause themselves no end of grief as a result. That is their fault, no-one elses.
Well, that's my view Harry. I suggest ignoring the arrogance/lack of humility and voting for the one party who know how to handle finance. Good luck.