The post you are reporting:
Andy, thanks for the kind words, but, as I said, my job doesn't allow for me to be in Dover often enough to take on such a commitment. If circumstances changed I would consider standing at a GE because, it seems to me, the only way to really move things in this place is for the local MP to kick ass all the way from Westminster to Western Docks and beyond. Since I have been in Dover (April 1986) NONE of our MP's has been worth a candle and done anything major for this community and it would make a nice change to hve an MP who showes an interest for the challenge ahead, rather than constantly fighting old battles..
As for the Town Centre Managment issue, well, the heroic efforts of Mike Webb were always the subject of a political football match between the local Labour and Tory party's. TCM should have been properly supported by ALL parties and the local Chamber of Trade, TCM should have been resourced with a small specialist business development team with a very tight and tough brief to go out and bring investment to Dover.
But, sadly, once Mike moved on his successor wasn't able to deliver anything to help take the town forward and in fact, only succeeded in guaranteeing the demise of TCM. That greatly pleased some of the local political mandarins but what have they put in it's place? Nothing of note if anything at all and this therefore means our local politicos have conspired to kill off one of the few organs capable or likely to do something for Dover. Think on that next time there is a local election!.