My amusing funeral story, well there are a couple actually, I've told them before way back when but.....
I was attending my cousin's funeral and busying myself at the back of the church sorting the wreaths from the relatives. I had left my handbag in a corner when to my horror my mobile rang and echoed around the small church. At the time it was the Eminim "Stan" ring tone which could be heard by all! Needless to say the priest was not amused!!
When I lived in London I passed an interesting looking church. I went inside and discovered a funeral was taking place. Having been brought up as a Catholic I was always told you never walk out of a church during mass or funeral once you were inside. I found a seat at the back and when the service finished I made my way to the door. One of the deceased's relatives asked me how I knew the dead guy and I admitted I didn't and hastily added that I didn't want to just walk out during the service. I was more concerned that in my usual black attire, hiding at the back, that someone may have thought I was a secret mistress! Another person thinking I was family informed me the buffet and drinks would be at the pub across the road - no I didn't go!