The post you are reporting:
I am sure we have been all over this before on here, but anyway...........
If a site is left unusable, even if it is 'still accessable, it is closed as a play area. The report attached to the new development proposal for Westmount states that a play area is not required because it is within walking distance of Pencester. It is, down the busy Folkestone Road, across the very busy York Street - High Street junction and through the constant traffic at the top of Pencester Road. Not, I would suggest, a route parents of under tens would be happy with their children wandering to unaccompanied. Families that live further afield have to make it an outing or send their children on their own, not a safe option, or keep them near to home, to play in the streets, again not a safe option, or keep them in. During the week school times preclude packing the family up to go to Pencester (or whichever prestige site) which means reserving young childrens safe play activities to weekends, preferably in fair weather.
I personally don't really care which colour administration did what to them in the past as it is the current state that concerns the children that are now looking for somewhere to let off steam. Those play areas were and are the responsibility of DDC and it is to DDC we have to look to for sensible provision. The constant cries of, 'it's not our fault it was the previous administration', are excuses. The problem is now, it is the problem of whoever is on the council now because that is the situation in place when they stood for the job. If you stand for election on the claim that you will try to improve things you cannot then brush it off with the claim that it's not your problem because 'the other lot' left it that way.
Playgrounds are meant for very young children, not teenagers that could be trusted to attend other organised activities, and they need to be close to their homes where their families and friends can know that they are safe.