I don't for one minute condone racism on any level; the very concept of racism offends my very soul. As a paradox, though, I have to say that I do understand why anti-Islamic sentiment is prevalent, and why membership of the BNP continues to grow.
The video that this link leads is overtly anti-Islam, but the speaker makes an articulate and well presented case as to why building a mosque very close to Ground Zero is an affront to the memories of the people who died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. I must stress that these are not my own views, I believe that we should try to get along with all humanity irrespective of race or religion - but as long as our own sensitivities are not being represented by our own people in Government, the sentiments in this emotive video will be felt by more and more people.
Do not click onto this if you're offended by anti-Islamic rhetoric, it's stirring stuff.