Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
Well this is NOT a good day for Labour in the Dover Express. Not only do we have a frontpage screaming awful expense claim headlines about Gwyn Prosser MP, but we also have inside dire predictions about how Labour are going to do at the next election from that polictical predictions group. Its a racing certainty, by the looks of things, that Gwyn will lose his seat following a three term victorious incumbancy, so a pity then to go down under a cloud of unfortunate expense claims. Dover will be going Conservative unless we see a cataclysmic change in fortune for Labour.
Gwyn it seems has been caught up in this scandal in a big way. His expense claims has been heavily blacked out as shown on the frontpage of the newspaper. His claims according to the Dover Express range from a panasonic TV at £720 to a staggering £11,000 plus for supermarket food bills from 2004 to 2008. How we all wish someone would pick up our tab at the checkout! There is much more stuff too, way too numerous and painful to mention or to list on here.
Of course some claims are legitimate in that an MP has the right to claim for a second home, but if you claim for anything at all nowadays in these difficult times, its going to read very badly to your constituents, no matter how genuine it may be. Any claim of any kind will also therefore in the current climate, give any sitting MP an incredible hurdle to overcome. Its a certain vote loser, rightly or wrongly, so the odds against a sitting MP returning ratchet and ratchet up.
Guest 643- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,321
Exactly Paul - yet another MP caught at it
When you hear of some poor young families having to fight to get even a few pounds to help them live a decent life and then hear about these parasites and what they have been getting away with it just beggars belief it really does. £11.000 for 4 years food? That's a staggering £230 a week - for food? How many are there in his family for goodness sake. And why should we pick up the tab for his TV? Makes me really angry, as I am sure it does many others.
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok".
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
was the title of this thread a play on words from paul?
gwyn could have a roast about 3 times a day every day on that money.
Sid Pollitt
Sorry but by my maths it's nearer 50 quid. Can someone re-calculate please.
Guest 643- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,321
So are you saying, Sid, that the Dover Express is wrong? If that is true, on what do you base your comment? Do you have a list of Mr Prossers expenses straight from his hand? Do you have "inside information" - do tell.
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok".
Guest 658- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 660
I dont care what party the scum are from but we need to prosecute all who have robbed us. They and those that follow them need to know that we are not going to tolerate it.
beer the food of the gods
Sid Pollitt
Jacqui, my comments are based on eleven grand being divided by four years coming out at just over 52 squiddlies per week. Basic maths I think. You may have weeks and months mixed up.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
there is no sign that they will stop.
people in the main opposition party are ganging up on their leader, calling him stalinist for making them own up.
the pm does not have much of a clue what is going on around him, the pensions fiasco of yesterday says it all.
they are all counting down the days to when they can restart their scams.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Thank you Sid for drawing to people's attention just how tough DC is being on the Conservative MP's. Yes, of course it is going to bring about discontent among those who are being 'fingered', after all they see a much lower standard being applied to Labour MP's and I dont doubt that they see it as unfair. That does not make DC wrong, on the contrary.
I see that up to half of the sitting Conservative MPs are expected not to return to parliament after the next election. A fair number are natural wastage from retirees, but there are a fair few forced resignations and others subject to local party deselection. Good news because people will be able to vote Conservative in confidence that they are not voting for a trougher.
Now for Gwyn. So Sid he has been spending £52 a week on food, week in, week out, whether Parliament has been sitting or not.
Well in my book that and other revelations places Gwyn Prosser among the worse of the troughers. He may not have a duck pond or moat but many of his claims are not justifyable in any way shape or form. So questions:
1/ Will he be applying the same standard DC is expecting of Conservative MPs and repaying the taxpayer for all that food plus many other claim items that DC has outlawed for Tory MPs? That will be a very big cheque...
2/ Will the local Labour Party be subjecting GP to deselection procedures?
Sadly Guzzler, however deserved GP would be fpr having his collar felt by the law, I suspect his claims were within those inadequate rules so a police investigation wont yield anything. Nice to see that those suspected of breaking the rules are under investigation though.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
Well your questions no 1 and no 2 are legitimate ones to ask BarryW. However it must be said that although Gwyn was indeed part of the gravy train system, most of all it was the system that was wrong, he hasnt at a glance defrauded anybody like some of them. Thats the important point to note. So although the whole system stinks, on the scale of things Gwyn's wasnt the worst, he didnt claim for a house he never lived in or remained empty, he didnt claim for a mortgage that didnt exist. Its the ones that defrauded the system that should be brought to book. You or I would be clobbered and jailed for some of this shenanigans. Throw the law at the lawbreakers most certainly. The ones that were just part of the gravy train will pay for it in the long run by not being returned by the people. The claims right across the House were outrageous and there is no coming back from this, particularly from the more outrageous claims and claimants who are despised.
I have asked myself had I been there, an MP in parliament, would I have claimed in much the same way, well the chances are I would, because you get caught up in a system where...'everyone is doing it'.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Your last post says it all, lets not just look at Gwyn as Guss says, all those MP'S WHo have acted outside the law should be taken to court now!!!
And we now need to concentrate on changing these out of date expenses procedure.
Sadly it comes down to tradition, this still in the main outdated BOYS club is one that encouraged this type of behaviour
We have an opportunity now to change the system and make the biggest radical changes ever.
And this should NOT come down to who's best at wot.
I don't care who's the best at taking action, wots most important at this time, is that ALL the parties yes ALL the parties work together to get a new radical system in place.
Lets hope we don't see this continued party politics being played on this on who's better thsan someone else.
This is about radical change, and all working together for it to happen
heres hoping,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
I dont disagree with you PaulB. I have certainly not suggested that he has been fraudulent but it is true to say that if the standard now being applied to all Conservative MPs were to be applied to Gwyn prosser he would be writing out a very large cheque.
Will he be doing so and pay back those claims that have been outlawed by DC for Conservative MPs?
It is all about standards and we should be asking will he match up to the standards set by DC.
We deserve to know.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
fair comment from barry, a scrutiny committee should decide on whether money should be paid back.
hopefully all on the scrutiny committee would be above reproach.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I hope ALL PARTIEs WORK TOGETHER not this continued imn better than him playground stuff
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Its all about standards, Keith. Its up to Gwyn exactly what standards in his public life he will observe and asking whether he will live up to the highest level set so far for this particular behaviour. Who is better, or as good as who, will be determined by GP's response, not me.