I was researching the Trick or Treating thing on the web as I really dont know whether I want to go along or not always struck me to be an American Thing. I was quite surprised to find it originated in Europe!!
Just thought I would share it.
The ultimatum given by children who call on houses to solicit gifts at Hallowe'en.
This is well-known to be an American tradition, but its origins lie in medieval Europe.
There are myriad Christian and pagan rituals and celebrations that have taken place on or about the 1st of November each year. These occurred in virtually every English-speaking and/or Christian country. They have evolved and merged over the centuries and continue to do so. Common features of these traditions are - asking for food, dressing in disguise and a connection to the spirits of the deceased.
The language of these traditions is heavily influenced by the naming of days in the Christian calendar. The central date of the rituals that herald the beginning of winter is the 1st of November, called All Saints Day or All Hallows Day. The following day is All Souls Day and the 31st of October is All Hallows Eve - shortened to Hallowe'en (i.e. the evening before All Hallows Day).
The practice of souling - going from door to door on or about All Souls Day to solicit gifts of food in return for prayers for the dead - evolved from a pagan ritual that was practiced all over Europe, possibly as early as the 10th century. As a Christian tradition it goes back to at least the 14th century, when it is mentioned by Chaucer. It is still commonplace in many Catholic countries, notably Ireland, where soul-cakes are left out for the departed. The first reference to the practice under that name in England is John Brand's Popular Antiquities of Great Britain, 1779:
"On All Saints Day, the poor people go from parish to parish a Souling, as they call it."
The tradition has altered so that it is now children, usually dressed in disguise, who go about asking for gifts around the beginning of November.
Conclusion : I told my children we were not poor and would not be going around saying prayers in exchange for sweets, dont think they really understood!!!!