The post you are reporting:
Thanks Howard. The walk will begin at 10am on Saturday 8th June from the Harriet Quimby Centenary Project's stand at Whitfield Community Gala, to be held on Whitfield Recreation Ground from 10-5 that day. The walk will be set off by Trevor Bond, Sales & Marketing Manager of The Ramada Hotel, Whitfield, where the plaque commemorating Harriet's historic flight is to be found on the wall immediately adjacent to the entrance/foyer.
We're hoping for decent weather and for great numbers to turn up and cheer the small party of walkers on their way, so please put could everyone put this in their diaries and be at our stand from 9.50 onwards to give them a rousing send off. I've just had confirmation from Graham Tutthill that the KM photographer will be there to record events for the paper. If you'd like to support the Project financially, you can sponsor Océanne through the HQCP website or on the day, or by buying a pin badge or T-shirt, both of which will be on sale on the day. Additionally, we'll be holding a tombola with some decent prizes...
Hope to see many of you there; the date was clashing with Folkestone Air Show, which has now been cancelled, so please come to Whitfield Community Gala for a day out with the family, and get there early for the start of the walk!